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Derek Hommel

Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing Researcher

master of computational linguistics, SNU 2018


currently living in Seoul, South Korea.

please contact me via email at derekshommel at or through LinkedIn

message me from Korea at 010 - 9482 - four two zero eight

technical skills

professional projects

listed in chronological order of participation, earliest to latest

retrieval-based dialog assistant and conversation classifier

clients: korean e-commerce startup, international bank

named entity recognition/joint SLU system

client: korean e-commerce company (with Seoul Innovation Challenge Grant)

limited-domain neural machine translation

client: joint venture with VC firm

NLU model serving for large-scale deployment

client: 예스24 (Yes24)

Korean neural text-to-speech

client: internal service

personal projects

[ongoing] education-focused implementation of machine learning algorithms in python+numpy with detailed comments

Magic The Gathering Card Generation with LSTM Language Modeling
[ongoing] a fun side-project for generating MtG cards using neural networks.
see some cards at my MtG Cardsmith page

Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CRF in Keras
a keras implementation of word-level bi-LSTM-CRF network for entity extraction

Multipurpose LSTM_CRF Network with Attention for NER & Intent Detection
an extension of the above project for a unified NER and intent detection network

work experience

Principal NLP Researcher (March 2017 – Present)
Atlas Labs, Seoul, Korea
assisting in researching and developing AI & NLP technologies for dialog assistant software.

Guest English Teacher, English Program in Korea (EPIK) (2012 – 2014)
Ohyun High School, Jeju Girl’s High School & Jeju Girl’s Commercial High School, Jeju City, South Korea
developed syllabus and curriculum, and taught weekly conversational English classes to high school students.
volunteered to lead student-driven extracurricular activities including persuasive writing & magazine publishing club, debate club, and programming/game development club.

Fulbright ETA Orientation Coordinator (2010)
Jungwon University, Goesan-gun, South Korea
conducted intensive seven-week orientation and training program covering Korean educational system, teaching methodology, and cultural adjustment. primary liason for maintaining site logistics with university.

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) (2009 – 2012)
Aphae High School, Jeollanamdo, South Korea
Daejeon Yongsan High School, Daejeon, South Korea
developed syllabus and curriculum, and taught weekly conversational English classes to high school students.


Seoul National University (2015 – 2018)
Master’s in Computational Linguistics
thesis: Data-Driven Input Feature Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition

University of Rochester (2006 – 2009)
Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude in Japanese Language in Culture
with minor in Linguistics

Rochester Institute of Technology (2004 – 2005)
Software Engineering on the RIT Computing Medal scholarship

awards & honors

Naver AI Hackathon 2018
Round 3/Finalist with Team Atlas

NIIED Korean Government Scholarship Program Graduate Scholarship (2014)
Seoul National University – Linguistics

Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) (2014)
Level 4 Proficiency

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (2012)
100-hour Certificate

Fulbright Scholar (2009)
English Teaching Assistant grant to South Korea